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Archive for the category “HTML5”

A summary of the 6 most important JavaScript Frameworks

Nice summary of the 6 most important Javascript Frameworks for building WebApps.

Free JavaScript Tutorials

Intended for JavaScript-Newbies but also good for refreshing your knowledge: Free JavaScript Tutorials by ItinPractice.com.

JavaScript Design Patterns

For those interested in Learning JavaScript Patterns.

Behind the Scenes: Functionality of Modern Web Browsers (German only)

Another interesting post by Html5Rocks: Behind the scenes of modern web browsers.

Splashnology – 38 fresh jQuery Plugins

Splashnology informs about some new jQuery Plugins for Web Developers.

HTML5 forms input types

Read more about HTML5 forms input types outlined by HTML5 Doctor.

html5video – A jQuery plugin

Checkout the video player plugin posted by HTML5 Ninja.

Animate.css – a bunch of plug-and-play css-animations

Check out Animate.css

jlPlayer – A Fully Customizable HTML5 Audio Player With jQuery And jQuery UI

jlPlayer is a totally theme-able, customizable audio player, built upon the HTML5, jQuery, & jQuery UIframeworks.

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